1. 豌豆种子(种植用)在植物检疫证书附加声明栏中注明:“This is, further to certify that the parent plants were grown on the farm in which Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi have not been recorded, and these plants were inspected on the field during the late growing season and found to be free from the pest mentioned above.”(兹证明在母本植物种植地没有豌豆枯萎病菌的发生,并在这些植物生长季节后期进行田间检查未发现豌豆枯萎病菌。)
2. 玉米种子(种植用)在植物检疫证书附加声明栏中注明:“This is, further to certify that the parent plants were grown on the farm in which the intensive controls against the vectors of Erwinia stewartii were carried out, and these plants were inspected on the field during the most active growing season and found to be free from the pest mentioned above.”(兹证明母本植物种植地已针对玉米细菌性枯萎病菌媒介采取严密的防控措施,并在这些植物最具活力的生长季节进行田间检查,未发现玉米细菌性枯萎病菌。)